Having Your Flock Prepared for Severe Weather

Prepping the farm for severe weather

Fellow tenders, I don’t know where you are homesteading, but I am in the heart of cowboy country. That’s right, Texas. North Texas to be exact. And that means spring storms. Some of those storms will knock your socks off! As a matter of fact, just last night we had some crazy wind blow through here. One side of our coop door came off about halfway down the track to the ground. Luckily, there were no injured or escaped birds.

Today, we are going to talk a bit about being backyard prepared for severe weather. The basics of this should help with any kind of crazy mother nature event.

Before the weather rolls in:

  1. Have a chicken first aid kit and plan. (The linked article has a most excellent first aid kit list and further plan suggestions!)
  2. Make a few planned responses based on level of storm severity.
  3. Make the most of your time beforehand. Check your kits, move feed, etc.
  4. Decide where your flock will house during the weather and make preparations for that area.
  5. Gather your flock into their shelter.
  6. DURING THE STORM STAY PUT. Don’t endanger yourself.

After the weather, assess injuries and damages:

  1. Triage and treat injuries accordingly.
  2. Keep the flock dry. Use towels if need be. Refresh their food and water.
  3. Repair coop.
  4. Clear any dangerous debris that may be lingering.

Planning ahead will certainly keep any of your last minute concerns calmer and in turn will help keep your flock from panicking. Just like any day with a backyard coop, preparations are key.

Stay safe and weather aware friends!

Rachel Hutchins
Rachel Hutchins
The Chicken Bawks Copyeditor. Believer. Seeker. Mom. Wife. New Grandma! Crazy Kansas City Chiefs Fan. And of course, Chicken Tender.

May 17, 2023

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