Can You Eat Eggs from A Sick Chicken?

As far as eggs from a sick chick, you probably aren’t going to have the best quality eggs. In many cases, to eat or not eat eggs from a sick bird comes down to personal choice. The type of illness your bird may have is also a major factor. For me, if I’m questioning whether to eat the egg or not, I’m tossing it out.

I create enough kitchen disasters on my own thankyouverymuch!

If one of your flock has been on medication, there are suggested withholding periods. Simply put, there’s a time frame you need to wait once treatment has ended before you start enjoying your back yard eggs again.

Keep in mind that most medication labels for chickens are not designed for the backyard tender, labeling usually reads well for commercial breeding. A direct and detailed conversation with your vet about getting back to normal consumption is your best option here.

Strong, safe handling procedures are always your best bets for minimizing any egg contamination in general. That includes your cooking process and temperatures. Even if you, like me, seem to find cooking challenging sometimes; safe handling is always easy peasy!

Bonus: here’s a great breakfast casserole recipe. Let us know if you try it!

Rachel Hutchins
Rachel Hutchins
The Chicken Bawks Copyeditor. Believer. Seeker. Mom. Wife. New Grandma! Crazy Kansas City Chiefs Fan. And of course, Chicken Tender.

May 26, 2023

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