Are there home remedies for treating sick chickens?

remedies for sick chickens

A few years ago, my mother went to all natural gardening and landscaping. It took a couple of years, but eventually her backyard was a certified natural habitat! She went the natural, or holistic, route because she wanted a safer environment for her beloved dog.

Personally, I think anytime we can subtract chemicals from any equation, we are better off. I will say, I am not against traditional medicine. Whether for pets or people, I believe it all has a place and time for use. Everyone should choose what best fits their needs. Always consult your veterinarian and remember; sometimes the best option is the quickest option and that may not be natural, but necessary.

With that in mind, I did want to investigate more holistic remedies for common flock problems. I found a few things used as daily supplements for prevention of disease and illness, and others for treatment.

Prevention is always preferable and some chicken tenders use herbs as a supplement in food for that reason. Dried/powdered garlic is used as an antibacterial, oregano as an antibiotic, turmeric for inflammation, black oil sunflower seed for digestion, and DE (diatomaceous earth) as a natural wormer. I also found ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) is often used as a probiotic for gut and crop health.

Many of the above mentioned herbs can also be an aid in treatment for illness, parasites, even minor injury.

Whether you choose a more natural approach or traditional, a little research and a call to the vet can set your flock on the path to wellness.

I wish your flock, and you, happiness and good health!

Rachel Hutchins
Rachel Hutchins
The Chicken Bawks Copyeditor. Believer. Seeker. Mom. Wife. New Grandma! Crazy Kansas City Chiefs Fan. And of course, Chicken Tender.

April 10, 2023

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